Wild Violet

Wild violet abounds in the woods, and comes into flower in very early spring, being one of the first flowers to show up in the dappled late-winter sun.

Violet flowers and leaves are edible with the leaves having a high level of vitamins A and C. They can be used in salads or cooked as greens.

The flowers can be made into jellies, candied, or tossed into a salad.


Wild Violet Jelly 

Prep Time: 20 minutes; Yield: Makes about 3 cups
Jelly has never looked this enticing. Wild violet jelly not only tastes amazing on toast or crackers, it looks, and is, incredibly delicious.


>> 3 cups fresh picked wild violet flowers (only purple flowers)
>> 2 tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice
>> 3 cups organic cane sugar
>> 2 boxes pectin (57 grams each)


Place flowers into a bowl. Pour boiling water into the bowl until full (minimum 4 cups water). Stir to release air bubbles. Cover the bowl and keep it out of bright light for 24 hours.

Line a colander with cheesecloth or a coffee filter and strain. The liquid will be dark sapphire blue.

In a pan, mix 3 ½ cups of the violet liquid and lemon juice then bring to a boil and let boil one minute. Add sugar and pectin then bring back to a hard boil – then let boil one minute.

Remove from heat and skim the top is needed.

Place into sterilised glass jars, seal, and process in boiling water.

The final colour of the jelly will be fuschia.